
New must-have gadgets

Woa... just read an article in TIME that shows some new gadgets including faucets that lights up the flowing water (all kids know blue is cold, red is hot) to indicate temperature, thinner-than Motorla Razr Samsung cellphone SGH-P300, no-tape cam-corder, and cars that parks itself (2007 Lexus LS 460), night-view assist (2006 Mercedes S550), backseat Wi-Fi that lets you check email and surf the net on the go, and a "Robosapien" home butler robot that uses Smart Companion Operating Technology (SCOTY, pronounced Scotty) that obeys voice commands to play msuic, read email, and even report intruders. Cool aren't they? Gotta start saving up lol...

呀... 最近讀了一篇時兆的文章陳列出了一些最新的高科技產品。這些產品包括了能把流動的水用光打色來表示水的溫度的水龍頭(所有孩子都知道藍色是冷,紅色是熱的),比Motorla Razr還薄的 Samsung 手機 SGH-P300,免帶子的攝影機,自動停車的汽車(2007 年Lexus LS 460),有夜視鏡的汽車(2006 年Mercedes S550),讓人可以瀏覽電子郵件和上網的後座無線網路,以及內建 WiFi,能聽使用者的聲音來放音樂、讀電子郵件、甚至能報告入侵者的 Robosapien 聲控家庭男管家機器人(Smart Companion Operating Technology 或 智慧伴侶運作科技, 簡稱 SCOTY, 發音為 "時-高題") 等... 蠻有趣的吧?得開始存錢啦呵呵...

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