
Google stood up against the government!

I guess Google is still one of the more liberal and fair web companies, after all. In the article "U.S. Limits Demands on Google," the US government is requesting a sample of 50000 web site addresses and 5000 search queries (compared with an earlier demand for an entire week of queries, which could amount to billions of search terms), intended to use data in a study to measure the effectiveness of software that filters out pornographic web sites, from Google. The government says it is not seeking info that would "personally identify" individals. Yet if our web searches could be subject to government scrutiny, doesn't it invade privacy issues? "The mere fact that Google has stood up to the government is a positive thing," Mr. Fine said. "The government cannot simply demand that third parties give information without providing a sufficient justification for why they need it, and that's the theme that will hopefully resonate from this hearing, whichever way the judge rules." Three of Google's competitors in Internet search technology — the America Online unit of Time Warner, Yahoo and MSN, Microsoft's online service — have complied with subpoenas in the case. Only Google resisted. Good job Google!

我想 GOOGLE 其實還是一個比較好的網路公司。在"美國政府降低向GOOGLE的要求"這篇報導裡,美國政府目前要求GOOGLE給50000個網址和5000搜尋結果(比起之前可能會包括到將近十億個搜尋關鍵字的整個禮拜的搜尋結果少了許多),用來測試一些過濾色情的軟體的效率。政府並表示他們並非要找能夠識別個人的資料。但是,如果我們的網搜尋結果能讓政府察視,這不是侵犯到隱私權的問題了嗎? "Google 和政府對立的事實是一件好事," Fine 先生表示。"政府若沒有提供充足的理由,就不應該如此輕易地要求第三者提供資訊,我希望這個主題能夠持續的在這個案件中引起共鳴,無論法官如何決定。" 三個 Google 的在網際網路搜尋技術競爭者 - Time Warner (時兆華納) 的 American Online 單位、Yahoo (雅虎) 和微軟的線上服務單位,MSN - 在同一案件完全遵照政府的傳喚。只有 Google 抵抗了。好呀 Google!

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