
3rd Year of Med School

Rotation Day One
Rotation Day One
Okay.. Haven't been posting for almost another year. Med school kept me pretty busy. Anyway, finally finished all my core rotations (Internal Med, Gen Sergery, Pedeatrics, OBGYN, and Psych) and advancing torward my 4th year now (doing elective rotations at KMC in Bfield, CA).

Even though the whole year of clinical rotations are stressful, I find it really interesting since finally it's not book knowledge anymore.. you're actually seeing patients. You're actually doing something to change their lives. (Yea yea, more like doing grunt work for the residents and attendings but I still like it). I had a patient who was so thankful of me talking to her that she actaully sent me v-day cookies to our resident's lounge hehe.. that was kind of nice. At least you know you made "some" sort of difference by talking to them and explaining things (the only good things med students can do without jeopardizing anything).

Okay enough BSing... no more brk time. Gotta continue studying my a** off for my board exams (OBGYN and Psych) and licensing (USMLE Step 2) exam coming up in June. So I'll be MIA for 2 months until done.

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