
New Year, New Goals? 新年新目標?

[English (American??)]
Before New Years we went to Mountain View to visit Jeremiah and one of my mom's friends... it was pretty good cuz we both get to see our "old friends" once again.
We also went to Napa Valley for a wine tasting tour. When we got back to Irvine it was already 11:20pm on 12/31; missed the countdown unpacking our luggages. My mom's visit was very pleasant... she even cooked a lot of delicious food including shredded pork rice and beef tendons... yummy. We visited many beaches along the coastline (San Pedro Beach, Long Bech, Seal Beach, Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, and Laguna Beach) when we were back to SoCal... it was a nice cruise. Last update for me is I almost broke my leg snowboarding yesterday... fell like 12 times and the last fell hit really hard on my right buttocks and I flipped 3 times on the hard "artificial snow..." (yeah I know, ouchie) hopefully I'll recover before Monday. I gotta go to the jacuzzi now...
PS: Forgot my goals... get into medical school; exercise for 30 min a day, at lesat 3 days a week; read and study for at least 2 hrs a day; earn more money to repay my endless debt to my great mother...

國曆過年前我們去山景市探望芥名兄以及我母親的一個朋友... 當時感覺還不錯因為我和母親都再次看到了多年不見的"老朋友. 我們也去了納波谷的品酒之遊. 我們回到爾灣市時已市12/31的晚上11:20了. 我們在整理行李中錯過了倒數. 母親這次的探望令我們非常的高興...她還幫我們煮了許多好吃的食物像瓜子滷肉飯和滷牛筋... *流口水* 我們回來後還觀光了許多南加沿岸的海邊(聖必琢岸,長岸席爾岸,漢庭藤岸,新玻岸,以及拉古納岸), 那天開的還蠻愉快的. 最近的我的新聞是我昨天滑雪時差點摔斷我的右腿... 跌了差不多12次, 最後一次跌的蠻重的... 我飛起來撞到右臀骨然後在不是很軟的人造雪上滾了三圈... (我知道, 哎呀好痛) 希望我星期一前會復原. 現在我要去泡熱水池了...
附:忘了我的目標了: 考進醫學院, 每禮拜最少運動3天, 每天30分鐘; 每天最少讀書學習2小時, 賺更多錢好報答母親大人...

demasiado perezoso



阿承 said...

新年的目標 好像沒寫吧

toby said...

ik heb geen idee wie deze kerel is. RF i guess. la la la.